What is BOTOX®?
The cosmetic form of botulinum toxin often referred to by its product name BOTOX® is a popular non-surgical injection that temporarily reduces or eliminates frown lines, forehead creases, crows feet near the eyes and thick bands in the neck. The toxin blocks the nerve impulses, temporarily paralyzing the muscles that causes wrinkles while giving the skin a smoother, more refreshed and youthful appearance

Who is suitable for BOTOX® treatment?
Women and men who wants to eliminate frown lines or brow lines and furrows
Women and men who are not yet ready for face lifts or other cosmetic and plastic surgeries
Women and men who want a simple and fast procedure to eliminate wrinkles with little downtime and recovery
How is BOTOX® treatment performed?
A very small amount of BOTOX® is injected with a very fine needle into the area being treated. Because the needle is so fine and only small amount of liquid is used, the pain associated with the injections is minimal. No sedation or local anesthetic is required. You will be able to drive immediately after your injections.
Following the treatment
You have a slight temporary redness and/or bruising of the skin at your injection en which are minor and of short duration.
Risks & Complications
Cosmetic surgery is amongst the safest of medical procedures. However, patients must understand and accept that no procedure is absolutely free from risk. In some cases it can cause a temporary weakness of nearby muscles or dropping of an eyelid. This risk of any side effects depends on the muscles injected. Because BOTOX® is completely reversible any side effects related to excessive weakness are temporary, lasting only days or weeks.
How long will results be visable?
The results will take from 4-10 days to become visible. Depending on how your muscles react to the treatment, the effects may last from three to six months and the treatment should be repeated two or three times per year.
Please note that about 2% of patients have pre-existing antibodies to BOTOX®, making it ineffective. Unfortunately there is no way of identifying this small group of people in advance.
Dermal fillers
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a component that is naturally produced by the skin. With the years our skin produces less hyaluronic acid, which is the result of normal aging process. Your skin becomes thinner and as a result, it becomes loose and starts to wrinkle. This reduction in skin volume can make your face look thin and narrow, possibly making you appear older than you are. It is perfectly bio-compatible, fully bio-degradable and highly safe to use. There are minimum risks of allergic reactions or other side-effects. This is why at the end of the session you are able to immediately return to your regular social and professional lives! Hyaluronic filer is gradually re-absorbed by the skin after a period of 9 to 12 months
PRP skin rejuvenation - "Vampire Facelift"

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Skin Rejuvenation, also referred to as “Vampire” or “True Blood” Skin Rejuvenation is leading edge natural approach in anti-aging facial and body rejuvenation, using patient’s own blood cells. PRP is the concentrated part of blood that contains the platelets which are the key to the body’s ability to stop bleeding and repair damaged blood vessels and cells in the body. Platelets contain substances called growth factors that activate and rejuvenate cells in the body to regenerate new tissue.
PRP Skin Rejuvenation can be performed as separate treatment or in combination with other surgical and non-surgical procedures. PRP Therapy can safely be combined with other rejuvenating treatments such as dermal fillers or Botox®.
How PRP therapy works
It is well known that platelets have many functions. They also contain tremendous amount of bioactive proteins, including important growth factors supporting:
- Increased collagen production
- Recruitment of other cells to the site of injury to assist with healing
- Blood vessel growth
- Cell differentiation, meaning that all different cells required for rejuvenation are stimulated
- Extra cellular matrix formation. This is connective tissue that holds everything together, giving them strength.

PRP skin rejuvenation procedure and results
The procedure begins by drawing the patient’s own blood into a specially prepared test tube. This tube is immediately placed in centrifuge for 5-8 minutes. The centrifuge spins the blood and separates the red blood cells from Plasma producing a golden yellow serum known as PRP. The PRP is placed in syringe and then injected into deep dermis or fat layer of the skin using very small needles. The various proteins in PRP will gradually increase collagen formation, connective tissue formation, skin tightening and overall rejuvenation of the skin.
The procedure usually takes between 45-90 minutes depending on the size of area being treated. Results will not be visible for several weeks. For optimal results an initial course of 2-3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart is recommended.
Results vary depending on the age, genetic and overall health of the skin. Improvement of skin tone and texture are noticeable within 3 weeks. Full collagen regeneration takes 3 months to complete. The tissue that has been regenerated and remodeled is permanent. However, the aging process cannot be stopped and as we get older the problem areas will eventually reappear. Therefore to maintain the results, touch-up treatments are recommended at an interval of 6-24 months depending on patients age and skin condition.
Risks & Complications
There is almost NO RISK of allergic reaction as PRP is produced from patient’s own blood and is completely “natural”