Meet Dr. Jončić

Dr. Ines Jončić graduated at Zagreb University of dentistry in 2001. After graduation she continued scientific education at Zagreb University and in 2007. achieved title Master of Science in Dental Endodontics (Mr.Sc.). She is certified by gIDE Global Institute For Dental Education and UCLA CE.
Member of Croatian Dental Chamber and member of gIDE Global Institute For Dental Education in Los Angeles, CA.
Academic titles:
- 2001. - graduated at Zagreb University (D.M.D.)
- 2007. - achieved scientific title Master of Science in Dental Endodontics (Mr.Sc.).
- Computer guided implantology – German Implantology Society (DGZI).
- Guided bone regeneration – gIDE institute and UCLA (Los Angeles, USA)
Guided tissue regeneration - gIDE institute and UCLA (Los Angeles, USA)
Implanto-prosthetic - gIDE institute and UCLA (Los Angeles, USA) - 1 year Master Clinitian Program in Implant Dentistry - gIDE institute and UCLA (Los Angeles, USA)
- Croatian Dental Chamber
- European Association for Osseointegration
CertificatesWhy Choose Us
“Ministry of Smile” clinic is specialised for providing implantoprosthetic dentistry services to foreign patients. We keep the highest standards in dental services and pay special attention to the education of our dentists as well as to implementation of the world’s latest technologies in dental area.
However, our prices are still 50-70% cheaper than in the most of European countries. In addition we can help you with the accommodation booking and negotiate special discounts giving you possibility to visit Croatia, do your dental work and still save your money. Those facts make our services more and more popular throughout Europe.